A million thanks to all our
partners. We'll strive to
serve you better than ever.

About us

There is a story behind why we name ourselves as
IONNEX. In line with our Basic Business Philosophy,
we always strive to create Innovative products and
services by instilling enduring value which not only
meets the evolving needs but exceed our customers’

We strongly believe that employees are the most
important resource for the company. Thus, we are
committed to developing our human resource
through our personnel education & training systems
in order to realize our employees full potential in
becoming the most Outstanding employees in this

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Our Products

Republic GG

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Chums Live is the first Filipino live broadcast social network.

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Our Services
Interactive Video Streaming Solutions

We provide solutions for Interactive video streaming product with the best price in market.

Game Reload Portal

Game point reload portal enabler and allows seamless connection with multiple game publisher.

Marketplace/Ecommerce Solutions

End to end technology for marketplace/ecommerceportal.

Digital Payment Gateway

We offer seamless digital payment gateway for your digital product and services.